Monday, January 30, 2012


Turns out I'd forgotten what general classes are like. Turns out that's a really good thing. General classes are the worst! Unfortunately, they're sort of necessary for that graduation thing, so I bit the bullet and am taking US Gov. Today we were having a class discussion on meritocracies, and whether or not the US is one. Instead, everyone got sidetracked on how not everyone can be a millionaire, which is the American dream, so the US obviously operates on a caste system, quite similar to ancient India. Duh.

They also talked about the 1% for a while, which made me smile. Then Hipster Girl chimed in. Oh my goodness, she is so hipster! She was wearing a romper, with moss green tights, and big ol' combat boots, and had dreds, and hemp bracelets and everything! She also apparently works at a cafe. She's the best! She was also the only one making intelligent comments about how a meritocracy does not mean everyone's a millionaire, it means everyone is rewarded based on their talent. And then she skyrocketed to the top of my list of favorite people ever by saying, "Yeah, but do we really need to label people like that? Labels are just so cliche," and other such things. It was so great. Ah, hipsters.

Another ironic thing about gov is the poster at the front of the class. It's some quote that says to question authority and always think for yourself. The teacher read this aloud to us, and then proceeded to talk at length about how incredibly important it is that we think for ourselves! Really guys, you can't just internalize what other people tell you, you need to come up with your own ideas. Do you have that? Need me to repeat it so you can have it tattooed across your forehead and read it in the mirror every morning?

Also, in case you were wondering, my pants have not shown up yet. I fear they've been lost in the void forever.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

First Impressions

So I'm joining the track team. I though it would be fun and healthy and all that good stuff, and I'm actually really excited for it! A lot of my friends are doing it, too. Today was the physical, and it was actually OK. Here are a few of my thoughts.

OK, first of all, some of those questions we need to answer are a wee bit ridiculous. "Are you stressed?" Right now? Yes! All these ridiculous questions have stressed me out, and I don't know any of the dates of my previous immunizations, and I'm about to take a physical, and every time I do something like that I'm certain they'll find out I have cancer or something! But in general? No. So what do I answer? I'll say no, because that's probably what they want us to say.

Also, the coach is really nice. Because it's track, there are a lot of different things you can do for it, and different coaches for all the things, but there's one coach over everything, and he's great. He's also specifically in charge of medium distance, which is what I'm going to do, so he was super excited when I told him.

Of course, there were some awkward moments, too, because my life is always awkward. Everyone who needed a physical was in this one little room, and it was mostly silent. I was whispering with one of my friends for some of the time, but then I had to finish filling out my form thing, which was awkward with him watching me, so I moved. So then they started my physical, which was kind of worrying, because I really hate having to be seen by doctors, and being in hospitals, or anybody looking at anything about me, because for some reason I'm sure there will be something wrong with me, and obviously ignoring problems is the best solution. (Luckily, there didn't end up being anything wrong with me.) Anyways, the room was silent, and the doctor/nurse person was asking me questions like my birthday, and how tall I am. Those are easy, so I had no problem answering with everyone being able to hear. Then he asked how much I weigh, which was definitely awkward in this room full of people all listening to what I said. So I dropped my voice and answered, hoping no one could hear me. Apparently they couldn't, but then my friend made fun of me anyways for being self conscious.

Another awkward moment came when I was leaving. I was just about the last person to go, and was gathering all my stuff. I'd changed into gym shorts for the warm-up, so my normal clothes were by my backpack and coat. My shirt and shoes were in a bag, but there hadn't been room for my jeans in there, so they were on top of the rest of my stuff. Everybody's backpacks and clothes were all piled together in one corner of the room, though, and somebody must have grabbed my jeans by mistake, because they definitely weren't there when I was looking for them. At first the shock of not being able to find them came out when I said loudly, "Where are my pants?!" Then everybody left in the room gave me funny looks. It was great.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

16% Original

Today as my sister was sitting in the kitchen, she noticed something that was on a juice bottle on the table. On the label, it proudly boasted that it was organic. OK, that's good. No horrible preservatives, no artificial coloring, no other weird artificial things. It then went on to say, "16% real fruit juice!" So organic! And on the ingredient list, it turned out the "real fruit juice" was from concentrate. But good news, every single thing on the ingredient list had the word "organic" in front of it. Organic fruit juice from concentrate, organic sugar, etc. I bet that sugar was made from at least 16% sugar cane!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Winter Wonderland

It snowed! I'm so happy! Also, it's weird that I'm feeling a little weirded out that it's snowing. I mean, it's January. That's what it's supposed to do. Yet after waking up this morning and seeing snow outside my window, I still thought, "What? Why is it doing this? This doesn't happen." I guess that's what just having gotten through the driest December on record does to me.

Some people aren't very happy about this new snowfall, but I think they are crazy! Now the world is white and beautiful and magical and wonderful. Yes, it's cold, but news flash! It was before, too. But before it was even more depressing, because it was still cold, and the grass was all dead and yellow, and the inversion was looming over the valley looking disgusting and making my throat all gross, and it was just...dismal. Now it's like the world has a new take on life; a clean slate. A fluffy, white, wonderful, clean slate.

And to those people who don't like the snow, I say, "This is winter! In UTAH! This is what it's supposed to do! Now stop complaining and go build a snowman." Alas, I cannot build a snowman myself, because I'm stuck inside doing homework all day, but at least I can be happy every time I glance out the front window and see how pretty it is.

Oh, and I suppose I might change my mind after it's been snowing for two months, and there are rock hard drifts on all the corners that won't melt, and have been turned black by all the passing cars, but for now I'm pretty dang excited.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Well, another year has come and gone. And I think it was actually pretty good! I didn't do anything hugely exciting, like backpack through Europe or or develop a new type of bio-fuel, but overall I'm happy about it. There were a lot of small things that made it great.

I went on a trip to LA with a bunch of crazy teenagers. I made new friends and strengthened old friendships. I developed a strange affinity for Smith's. I gave away my rabbit I've had for five and a half years (sad face). I decided to learn to play the guitar and made hesitant steps in that direction. I applied to and got into some colleges (woohoo!) I sent my brother off on a mission. I did more homework in a short period of time than I thought possible. I had to go to the pediatrician and felt ridiculous, because everyone else there was about seven years old. A bison passed by so close to our car that it was brushing the sides of the car. I got my ears pierced and let the holes close up again a couple months later. I went repelling in the Grand Tetons. I spent a ridiculous amount of time at parks. I made a bucket list, and also accomplished several items on it. I jumped into a pool with all my clothes on. I went on an overnight hike. I (very unsuccessfully) tried to learn to ride a bike. I put the "pro" in procrastinate. I finally got a cell phone! I learned more about poster making than I ever wanted to know, all in the name of school spirit and leadership.

Yep, it was a great year. I'm sure there were several other awesome things, but I can't think of them right now.

Also, now seems like a good time to make some New Year's resolutions, before I get sucked into homework (and obviously writing this is a good alternative to doing that). So. I hereby resolve to...
  1. Procrastinate less. Really.
  2. Read at least 1 new book/play a month.
  3. Exercise more.
  4. Eat more fruits and veggies.
  5. Go to college! After graduating from high school! That would be good to do.
  6. Curb my sarcasm.

Yeah, that's all for now. I know that going to college isn't so much a resolution as a goal, but it's important to me!