Friday, June 24, 2011


So I was in Wyoming and stuff this week. Not in dusty, dry, awful Wyoming. No, I was in beautiful, lush, Teton Valley Wyoming. I was visiting my grandma up there, and also my cousins who live right next to her.

One thing that I LOVED about it was the weather. It was sunny and wonderful, but not too hot. Also, I have mild allergies, but up there I didn't have any at all. I also loved spending time with my cousins, who are awesome. I'm pretty sure they're all my favorite people in the world. I helped with their chores, and got the real farm experience: sheep snot all over me, straw and mud stuck all over my shoes, and the dog licking my face right after eating a decomposing ram's skull. Yum. Speaking of dogs...they got 2 new puppies, and they're the cutest things in the world!

I saw Oklahoma for the first time ever. I found out my feet are just barely bigger than my 11 year old cousin's. I learned how to French braid hair (or as I put it, I learned how to braid French hair. I think I'm dyslexic). I tried to learn how to ride a bike, because I'm a pathetic loser who didn't learn when she was 5. I didn't learn when I was 16 either...But I tried! And I'm determined that by the end of summer, I WILL be able to ride a bike!

Basically, it was way great, and I had a good time, but it's probably good I came home when I did, or I would have died from an accumulation of all the small things that happened to me. I've got ten million mosquito bites (give or take 9999988), some of which got super swollen. Like, a couple inches in diameter. I'm covered in bruises, scrapes, scabs, and rug burns. And to top it all off, I'm incredibly sore all over. Especially my neck. But it was fun!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Spiders. They're really not all that bad, and I honestly don't mind them that much most of the time.

The exception is when they're either in my room, or moving fast towards my room. Because for some odd reason, I dislike having lots of spiders lurking in the piles of stuff in my room. Crazy, right? (sarcasm hand is raised.) So when I find a spider in my room, I feel obligated to kill it. If I find one anywhere else in the house, I just leave them, because they just don't worry me.

When they're in my room is when we see my problem. I can't kill them. I can not. I can't even vacuum them up. It's far too stressful! Squishing them is almost impossible for me to do, and vacuuming them up isn't much better. Usually I hover over it for a couple minutes, trying to gather up the courage to kill it, and also trying to not hyperventilate, before I finally bite the bullet and kill it. It also usually involves quite a bit of "Aaaahhhhh!!! Aaaahhhh!!! I can't! Aaaahhh!"

Wow, I'm just really wimpy about killing bugs in general. I can't kill snails either. I dislike snails a bit more than spiders, but really, I don't care terribly much about their existence. Until I have to squish them. *shudder*

Thursday, June 9, 2011

School and Stuff

Guess what, guys? I'm a senior now. My junior year ended yesterday.

I'm actually kind of terrified. Because this means I'll spend the next year of my life applying to colleges, hopefully getting accepted to quite a few but undoubtedly being rejected from some, trying to get scholarships, hopefully having a job, trying to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life, balancing out school-work and having a life, and trying to make the very best of my last year of high school ever.

I think it'll be awesome, don't get me wrong, but how the heck am I a senior already? Cheesy and cliche though it sounds, it seems so recently that I was a wee freshman, getting lost, showing up half an hour late to seminary one day because I could not find the building! (Turns out I was on the wrong side of the school; I was wondering how on earth I could lose an entire building.)

But seriously, me? A senior? What is this madness?

One really sad thing about the end of this year is all my senior friends are graduating. They're all going off to their respective colleges and lives, and who knows when I'll see them again. I'm so proud of them for graduating, and think they're all amazing, amazing people who I'm so glad to have known, but I'm gonna miss them like crazy. So I guess it's bittersweet.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

When You Wish Upon a Star

A little bit of background. I make wishes on EVERYTHING that you can wish on. I just like to make wishes. And so when I see the clock is at 11:10, I always think, "I need to wait for just one minute so I can make a wish at 11:11!" But a lot of the time, I get distracted somehow, and when I look back at the clock it's 11:12. Then I have to run into my room to see if the clock there is still showing 11:11, because it's a little bit slower than the rest of the clocks in the house. If it's not, I'm just sad.

Even though I seem to always miss 11:11 no matter how hard I try, I always look at the clock just when it's 12:12. This happens so frequently that I decided it should have its own cool thing to do. You make a wish in your head at 11:11, so I decided that at 12:12, you should say out loud something you don't want to happen. That way I feel better abut missing 11:11.

In fact, I'd completely forgotten that I made this decision till today when one of my friends looked at his watch and said, "It's 12:12. Say something that you don't want to happen," and I said, "What's that from?" "You." Right. Now I remember when I made that up! I believe it was at a farmer's market in California (yeah, I'm cool.)

Random fact: Right after I make a wish, I always think, "please please please and thank you if it happens!"