Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tree Hugging

Trees. I love them. So much. They're all green and leafy and basically amazing. And climb-able! That's the best part! We have 5 trees in our yard, but they're all miniature fruit trees, and therefore too small to climb. This makes me sad. I really wish we had a great big one I could climb whenever I felt like it. Especially when I storm out of the house, angry at someone. As it is, I have to go sit lamely in the grass. If we had a tree, I could go climb it! The problem is, if I was crying, I would probably fall out of it. And then I would REALLY be crying. And in the hospital. Or dead. But seriously, I absolutely adore trees. If it's a great big tree lots of people can climb up and we can have a partay! Or if it's just me I can sit there and be all transcendental-ly and commune with nature. Because that's totally what I'd be doing. Not spying on people from my tree top perch. I would never do such a thing! Riiiight.

I think my favorite type of tree is maple. They were the 1st tree I could identify. Probably because the way to my grandparent's house is lined with them. Basically they're the best. And then you get maple syrup from them! Sweet sugary waffle-topping-ness! Well, at least that's what artificial maple syrup is. I've tried the real stuff, and I don't like it that terribly much, actually. I feel like such a hypocrite! *sob!* My dad likes it, though! So at least someone does? So it counts for me? Because he's a relative? And I have his genes? Or something like that.

Anyways, that was me rambling about trees. I probably sound like a tree hugger, but that's OK. I do hug trees. Some people might just call it hanging on so you don't fall off, but I call it tree hugging. I'm just cool like that. Speaking of cool, want to know what I think would be super cool? Sitting in a tree during a rainstorm! Or a windstorm or something. Just something with no lightning, because getting electrocuted would not be super cool. But seriously, I would love to be sitting there in the tree with the wind rushing by, and not be high enough to be really dangerous, but not be low enough to not feel it shaking in the wing. To be at just the right height to feel it shaking but knowing it won't break, and to hear the leaves rustling, and to feel the wind rushing by. I would love that! I'm gonna put it on my bucket list now! It can be right up there with traveling the world. But not actually right up there, because traveling the world comes first. But whatever. Close enough. Trees in a storm, traveling the world, same diff.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's That Time of Year I like all my classes, I like all my teachers, I have awesome people in all my classes. So you could say I love school this year. But it would be a lie. I like my classes, just not school in general. For one thing, school now starts 10 minutes later, but in return we get out 25 minutes later. I don't get home till after 3 each day. That's awful! Also, they made lunch shorter. And they also cut down the time we have in between classes to get from class to class. All this makes the classes much longer. I guess some of the teachers like it, but a lot of them don't. And the students aren't really fans of it either...Also, they've changed the schedule to some weird thing, so 1st period is called 1-2 period, 2nd is 3-4, 3rd is 5-6, and 4 is 7-8. It confuses everyone, because some teachers want you to write the normal class period when you write it, and some want the weird new one. Oh, and want to know the reason they shortened the time in between classes? They think this will cut down on the number of people getting to class late. Because now that they know they have less time to get to class, they won't stop to talk to friends, and instead go straight to class. Riiiight. What will happen is that TONS of people will be late, and the administration will be so confused as to why it's happening. Because obviously if you change the system then the kids will change according to it. And also, we have 500 more students this year than we did last year. That means the halls are way crowded, and so it's hard to get anywhere in time, so with this new shortened time in between classes it's kinda impossible for some people to get to class on time, regardless of if they stop to talk with friends or not.

OK, rant about scheduling stuff over. Now want to hear about my bus driver? She's the angriest lady I have ever seen. Today she handed out schedules for morning bus stops and when she'll be there to pick people up, and when I told her I don't take the bus in the morning, she glared at me for about a minute before moving on. Then when my friend told her that she already had a schedule, she glared at her, said, "Well this one is different!" and threw it in her face. Then when she had stopped to let some kids off at a stop and a car drove by (didn't do anything except drive past), she honked the horn for about 30 seconds at the car, while glaring out the window. Can you say cranky? And then I have to walk home 10 blocks from the bus stop to my house. In 100 degree weather. With a 20 pound backpack. Basically it's miserable.

OK, I'm done with all my rants now, I promise. Now for the positive. I like all my classes! Some of them are gonna be way hard, but I think they'll be pretty good, for the most part. I was way scared for physics, but I actually am starting to think that I might be able to do it. Pre-calc has homework every single day, so that kinda sucks. Spanish is going to be a lot of work, and the teacher is a native speaker, so that's scary, but I think I'll be fine. Hopefully. I think A'Capella will be way fun! Same with chorale, but I think I'm the least experienced on in it. Everyone else was at least in A'Capella last year. Pre'calc has homework every single day, so I'm not looking forward to that, but it looks like it'll be a pretty good class. AP English Literature I think is gonna be good. I like reading, and I actually like the books we have to read for school, and I'm good at writing papers, so it should be pretty great. AP European History will be hard. Lots and lots of homework. And thanks to the horrible random seating chart, I'm stuck in the back corner. Away from all friends. But I love the teacher! I think it'll not be an awful class. In fact, quite the opposite. Then for seminary I'm going to help out with special ed seminary, so that should be an interesting experience. I think I'll have a good year!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Involving Toothpaste, Platypuses, and Princesses

School starts on Wednesday. So this is probably gonna be my last post before the end of everything. Just like in Lord of the Rings when Frodo and Sam are on Mount Doom and say something like, "Here we are, at the end of everything." That's me. I'll be Sam. Unfortunately, soon school will ruin even that! I can't be Sam, because he's too covered in dirt. That wouldn't be socially accepted at school. School is also ruining my dreams of becoming a hobo. At least I could be a vagabond, despite what school tries to do to me. Ha! Take that! I'm beating the system!

Anyways, I have a plan. A fantastic plan. For my future. It doesn't even involve schooling! It involves platypuses, so you know it's awesome. First of all, fresh out of high school I'm going to do toothpaste commercials. I'll go on with a big cheesy smile and my blindingly white teeth, with a big cheesy sparkle on them, and say something like, "This is what Crest did for me!" I'll get so rich so quick! Crest's or Colgate's or whatever company I'm working for will have so many sales because of me! I'll become a millionaire and be able to retire by my early 20's.
However, I'll then move to Australia and start a platypus smuggling business. I'll smuggle them from Australia to Ireland. One day while I'm in Ireland at a platypus smuggling convention, I'll fall out of a tree into the arms of an Irishman. Just like Giselle does in Enchanted! He'll be an amazing singer and make tasty food and just be overall amazing! Of course we'll fall madly in love and get married. And I'd never ever get tired of listening to him, because he'll have an Irish accent, and those are my very favorite accents in the whole wide world! Anywho, we'll sing alllll the time! Because we met each other in an Enchanted-like way, so we need to carry on with that. But the best part is, it won't be just us singing! We'll sing in parks and stuff, and everyone will randomly join in and start an impromptu parade! Just like in Enchanted! So I'll travel the world with my wonderful singing Irishman, singing and starting impromptu parades everywhere, and bringing joy to millions of people. Afterward, we'll retire to my humble abode, which will be neither humble nor an abode. It'll be a castle! And I'll be the princess.

So that's my life plan. No schooling needed, but I guess I'll just have to suffer through it till I'm old enough to do the commercials and become a millionaire. Or a billionaire. Either one works. Anyways, I suppose it helps to pass the time till then. I'm so excited for my future!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hey you! Yeah, You With the Glasses!

This post is a shoutout to Josh. Not because he's a bored one, but because he wrote a blog post with a shoutout to me, so I'm returning the favor.

Without the figurative bone he threw me, I would have melted into a puddle of boredom, just like the Wicked Witch of the West being splashed with water. Or like Superman when confronted with Kryptonite. Or like the camel whose back broke under the last straw of boredom. Or like Rachel when imaginary flies are pointed out to her. OK, so none of them but the witch actually melted, but they all have horrible reactions.

Assuming that I'm Rachel, and that my imaginary fly is boredom, my reaction isn't nearly as amusing as hers. It's more of I curl up and die in a hole in the mud in sleet and hail. Alone and friendless. Figuratively, of course. If you want literal, I pace around the house and complain about my boredom. Then I write blog posts about my boredom. I also have a rather difficult time discerning the fine line between boredom and hunger, so food is quite often involved. Getting the wisdom teeth out has helped with that, though. I think I get fuller with less now. Oh, and I also write random messages on people's walls on facebook. They're...interesting.

Anyways, I absolutely have no problem with not having enough time to write a post. Haha, silly Josh with this imaginary thing called "work." I've never heard of it before. It sounds awful! Of course, once school starts my blog posts will probably stop till next June when school gets out. I'll be far too busy to write them. I'm taking several honors classes, several AP classes, and then a'capella and chorale. They're just singing, so you wouldn't expect them to take tons of time, but they have lots of performances. Chorale especially. And December is crunch time for them. Apparently last year chorale did 27 performances in 18 days. Oh, the hardships of being an amazing singer! I shall somehow have to force myself to persevere.

So I was planning on being on swim team, but I'm pretty sure that won't work. Their crunch time is December, too. I would DIE! I might already, so I don't need any extra stress. That would be like a smoker with terminal lung cancer jumping in front of a train. They're already gonna die, why speed it up? I do want to do the play and musical, though. Tech or acting. Either one would work. And the musical is in the fall and the play is in spring, so it wouldn't coincide with singing either! It's pretty great. But there's also the problem of hard classes and homework.

Moral of the story: Right now I may be dying of boredom, but during the school year I'll be dying of stress. I'm not sure which one I prefer...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Dilemma

So I've run into a slight dilemma. The computer is always an easy solution for when you're bored, so I get on it all the time to try and reverse my boredom, or at least keep it at bay. Out of all the boredom reversing things to do on the computer, reading blogs is a great one! So I read them. A lot. I go down the list of people's blogs, and it always makes me so happy when there are new posts. It always makes me so not happy when there aren't new posts. So as I'm going through the list of blogs, I always go to mine last. And for some reason, even when I know there won't be a new post, it always kinda surprises and disappoints me when there isn't one. Even though I know even if there was a new one since the last one I posted, I would already know what it said and have no reason to read it. But still. That is my dilemma. At least if there was a new post someone might have commented on it so I could read it. But no. And the problem is, to be able to read people's new comments, I have to write a new post! Sometimes life seems unbearably tragic.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I'm sooooo bored!!!!!!!

Possible Facebook statuses right now:

Kristina is so bored she is talking about herself in the 3rd person. a fact made even worse by the fact that she doesn't actually have anything to talk about.

Kristina has a hard time distinguishing the fine line between boredom and hunger. too bad she can't eat real food!

Kristina needs a life.

Kristina has a life, she just can't currently live it because of wisdom teeth.

Kristina is so bored she's gonna go write a blog about it.

Kristina has a blog? Yep, contrary to popular belief, Kristina has a blog. Boring, just like her life.

Kristina's life isn't normally this boring. Really. Otherwise she would have died long ago from never having anything to do.

Kristina has a plan! She is no longer bored! Yay!!!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Foolish Teeth

Ugh. Wisdom teeth suck. They should all go die. The good news is, they no longer hurt as much today! If I had written this yesterday it would be a long list of complaints about how hard it was to smile, and how much my jaw hurt, and so on and so on. Oh, and how I couldn't open my mouth very wide (still can't). Anyways, because it is no longer yesterday, instead of complaints, I shall document this momentous occasion in my life.

I had to wake up early yesterday so I could get ready and then go get my school pictures taken. They did appointments this year online, and so we already had done everything we needed to do online, so my mom thought it would be go in, get my picture taken, go out. Ha, silly mom. We had to wait for 45 minutes, because of the stupid appointment, instead of taking 15 minutes like we have in years past. Anyways, we just barely finished all that registration stuff in time to go to the oral surgeon's.

As John and I were waiting to get our foolish teeth extracted, I was nervously pacing the room, while he was sitting calmly in a corner. Finally one of the assistants came and asked which of us wanted to go first, so I shot my hand up in the air. Apparently, this is quite out of the usual, and normally the sister makes the brother go first. Eh, whatevs. They hooked me up to a heart rate monitor, and a blood pressure monitor, and hooked me up to an IV. The stupid hear rate monitor beeped with every beat of my heart, and it was really starting to get on my nerves. Then they gave me some stuff to relax me, and told me it would kick in within 30 seconds. I immediately started counting, but lost track at about 13. Then I was feeling all light headed and stuff, when they gave me some anesthetic...

Next thing I remember I was waking up. I was really surprised that my hands were folded in my lap, because they had been on the arm rests before my surgery. I kept trying to talk, but my whole mouth was numb, so it came out totally incoherent. I could feel my lip, though, and it felt like it was sticking out about 2 inches, so I kept trying to ask if it was, but no one could understand me. Finally they decided I was ready to stand up and go wait for John to come out from the anesthetic, so I stood up, and almost fell over. They had a wheelchair ready in case of something like this, but even though it was 1 foot away, I still almost fell over about 7 times before reaching it. I then got to wait for John to get up.

On the way home we stopped for shakes, and we ate them once we got home. We still couldn't feel anything in our mouths, so we were dribbling all over, but didn't know we were. We then both fell asleep on different couches for a couple hours. When I woke up, the anesthetic had worn off on half of my face, but not yet on the other half. It was one of the weirdest feelings ever. I tried smiling, and so I was able to smile on one side, but exactly halfway it turned into a droopy frown. I didn't see it, but it felt quite odd, and I was assured by my sister it looked that way too. Sometime during "Ratatouille" the anesthetic wore off and I was able to smile again! Yay! It just kinda hurt...But whatever.

I've been prescribed Lortab, but so far have been ok with just Motrin, which is basically really strong Ibuprofen. It's not totally pain free, but it feels much better today than it did yesterday. For now I'm just hoping I don't get an infection or a dry socket. A dry socket is where the blood clot protecting the hole somehow gets sucked away or something and leaves all the nerves exposed. Apparently it's incredibly painful.

So that's the deal with my wisdom teeth. Basically I despise them.