Sunday, October 31, 2010


It's been requested that I blog about LOST. So that's what I'm doing. You're welcome, Sarah. In case any of you don't know, LOST is a TV show about these people on an island. And, get this, they're lost! Shocker, right? Never saw THAT one coming. Basically the island is like purgatory. But with polar bears! All the people on it have kinda messed up pasts (I'm sorry, Sarah, but it's true. Blowing your father up is messed up. So is doing heroin.) Then they all get stranded on this island and have a chance to redeem themselves or whatever. And kill polar bears! What good is redeeming yourself if you can't kill polar bears while you're at it? I mean, don't get me wrong here, I'm all about saving the environment (aka the polar bears), but sometimes they've just gotta take one for the team. The LOST team.

So anyways, after these people have a great time shooting down rampaging polar bears in the jungle and torturing people for asthma inhalers, they find some other people on the island. No, not the other people they tortured, altogether different people. Anyways, one of these "others," as they're so originally called, kidnaps poor pregnant Claire and her boyfriend Charlie. At least, he wants to be her boyfriend, but she's kinda got trust issues from the last loser who dumped her. So yeah, they get kidnapped, then the others get rid of Charlie by hanging him from a vine, but he doesn't actually die. Jack (the hero) brings him back to life. And that's as far as I've gotten. So don't tell me what happens next! Actually, saying that is sorta pointless, because Sarah's already told me everything that happens, and made me watch like 5 million "LOST explained in 5 minutes" things on youtube.

So that's LOST. It's super amazing, and I love it kind of a lot. It's pretty much fantabulous. I'm so hooked on it.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Thoughts and Tittles

Yeah, that title is me stealing/combining Camilla and Rachel's blog titles. Stealing people's blog titles seems to be what I'm best at.

Anyhoo. My life. Yeah, it's going. Yesterday I learned the hard way that it really hurts if you fall and hit your head really hard on your shoulder. But it's starting to do better! Now it only hurts if I turn my head at a certain angle. The problem is, the other side of my neck is all sore, because yesterday I had to sleep at this awkward angle so as not to hurt my head more. But it's not a concussion! Yay?

In other news, it also really hurts to hold a piping hot roll straight from the oven. Of course, the point is, I just got a piping hot roll straight from the oven. I love food. I think this will cause me to be tragically obese quite soon.

I've decided I really need orange Converse. Yesterday when I told my dad that I think I'll die without them, he said, "What color flowers do you want for your funeral?" I'm thinking bright orange, in memory of the Converse I never got. So in case I never get the chance to see any of you again, because I've wasted away and died because of this sad lack in my life, goodbye. It was nice knowing you all. Unless I don't know you. In which case, why are you reading my blog? Creeper.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Big Bertha the Bruise (Imposter Version)

Sometime in the middle of summer, Camilla got a large bruise on her knee and named it Bertha. I now have my own Big Bertha the Bruise. I got her at the pre-dance activity yesterday.

For this awesome activity, we played with Play-Doh, made homemade pizza, and also homemade ice cream! We then ate our homemade concoctions. For the ice cream we made it in one of those ball things that you throw around till the ice cream gets hard. As we were throwing it, each person it got thrown to had to add a word or phrase to a story. We came up with some pretty awesome stories about evil pussycats and evil green monkeys. Anyways, that is not the point. The point is, cream and sugar is really heavy. And when the ball got thrown to me one time I accidentally hit my knee with it. No worries, it only crippled me momentarily (10 minutes) before I manned up and dealt with it. Now I have my own Big Bertha the Bruise on my knee. After this, I was jumping on McKean's trampoline. It wasn't bouncy enough with just me on it, so McKean came and jumped with me. Then he was stealing my bounce, and that threw my rhythm off, so I fell and crippled my other knee. It doesn't have an impressive bruise, because instead it's something internal. So I still can't straighten my knee all the way. But that's OK. Knees are overrated anyways. After eating our hard earned concoctions, we were going to watch Princess Bride, but we didn't have enough time. So instead we did random stuff like sing Beatles' songs.

After our awesomly awesome pre-dance activity (have I mentioned it was awesome?) the dudes stayed at McKean's house to get ready, and the girls went to somebody's house to get ready. May I say we all looked stunningly beautiful? All of our dresses were red, which wasn't planned, but it just happened like that. We also all had curly hair. And flowers in our hair. And, biggest shocker of all, we all were going to Homecoming! Who would've ever guessed? Basically we're all like the same person. After we were ready the guys came over to pick us up and give us our corsages and stuff (or in my case, a bouquet), and we gave them their boutonnieres. And I was so proud of myself, because I didn't even stab Isaac (my date) when I pinned it on or anything! Oh, and how's this for awesomly awesome, he wore a TUX! That made me so happy! He borrowed his brother's or something like that.

After this exchange of flowers, we went to the dance and had an awesome time there. It was sooo so hot, though! I was dying! Then we had to drop people off at their houses, but first we got Frostee's and ate them in a random park. It was kind of a sketchy area, but nobody accosted us, so it's all good! And did I say it was hot? Yeah, that was at the dance. It was freezing outside. Then I accidentally broke my curfew because we were halfway across town dropping one of the other girls off. So we had to hurry and take me home. Then as Isaac and I were awkwardly standing on my porch as I was searching for my keys, the people in the car apparently were making comments about how boring we were, because I was just searching through my bag, and he was just leaning against the railing. See how wholesome we are? At least I had a good report for my uncle Todd! And if you don't know the story behind that, remind me to tell you sometime.

So yeah, that was Homecoming. Even though I got many battle wounds (crippling both knees, a burned ear from the curling iron, and a random bruise on my arm) it was way fun!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

By Popular Request

It has been requested that I do a blog about my recent date. Actually, it wasn't all that recent, and I've told everybody who cares about it already anyways. So this blog will not be about that date. Sorry to disappoint. But, so the title isn't totally useless, I shall instead proceed to write about how I got asked to Homecoming this past week. (Even though it actually isn't by popular request, but whatever. Same diff.) Apparently last Friday while I was in Vegas for some wedding or something like that, I got asked. The person asking me came up with this creative plan, and drove over to my house, put it on my doorstep, rang the doorbell, then ran away and waited. And waited. And then finally remembered I was out of town. Bummer.

The following Monday after play practice I was standing around talking with a bunch of people, all of whom were in on the plan to ask me. They were all talking about it, but I had no idea what they were talking about, and so was incredibly confused. I told them they either had to stop talking about it or tell me what it was about, but they did neither. I was all freaking out about it till finally one of the boys, named Isaac, pulled me over and said, "So you haven't been asked to Homecoming yet, have you? Yeah, I'm gonna ask you. And I'm just telling you this because I don't know when I'll have time to go to your house again and drop it off, and I want you to have some more notice than 2 days before the dance or something." He then explained how he had already tried that weekend. He also said it was terribly punny, emphasis on the terrible.

Then 2 days ago, Thursday, I was blissfully sitting at home on the compute studying for an AP Euro test when the doorbell rang. I had this strange feeling it would be the thing for Homecoming. It was. It's a poster that says, " I would [then there was a jar of pickle relish taped on that's label said RELISH] going to the dance with you!" So it translates to, "I would relish going to the dance with you!" Then at the bottom there was a Kit Kat taped on, and in little tiny letters it said, "Have a Kit Kat." All righty then. Even though I got gross pickle relish, I also got a delicious Kit Kat! Oh, and I got asked to the dance, so I guess it all evens out.

Oh, I also told this riveting story for TV West. It's a show they do every week at West. I was sitting at lunch yesterday with my friends, eating food (shocker, I know), when some TV West people came by and asked if any of us were going to Homecoming. My hand shot up in the air, and they asked me if I'd mind sharing how I got asked on TV West. so I did. That'll show Isaac for being punny and giving me pickle relish! Mwahaha!

When I told my mom who had asked me and said that she'd met him before, because he was on our epic group date (which was frisbee golfing, just FYI) that met at our house, her 1st reaction was, "Oh, is he that short boy?" Nice tact, Mom, nice tact. He's not all that short! Yeah, I'm taller than him, but she doesn't need to make me feel so self conscious about it! Haha, so yeah, that's the awesome story of how I got asked to Homecoming

PS: John, being the suave, debonair charmer that he is, helped me to come up with a witty reply. I'll post it later in a comment after I've actually done it. Be excited!