Saturday, May 21, 2011

Dear [insert name here]

Dear Weather,
Feel free to keep being sunny and loverly. I guess I might even forgive you for all the rain, because now at least everything is all green. And that's good. I approve of green mountains around my home. Almost as much as I approve of sunshine!
Hasta la Pasta, Kristina

Dear Homework,
Die, please. Better yet, have an epic battle to the death with tests, and end up killing each other! Good plan? Yeah, I think it is, too. You can start this epic battle any time now...
Cordially, Kristina

Dear Ears,
Thanks for not hurting too terribly much when you got stabbed. And now please don't get infected. For the record, I think you look lovely with sparkly earrings. Sparkles are always a good plan. Trust me.
XOXO, Kristina

Dear Pandora,
Not failing would be a good idea. Really. I don't know why, but you suddenly seem to have given up on working correctly. But I believe in you! Don't give up! You have so much to live for! Anytime you need to talk, I'll be here for you. Especially if by "talk" you mean, "play music."
Love, Kristina

Dear Bloggees*,
I hope you appreciate the fact that I've been blogging so much recently. I also hope that all is going well with you, and that you're appreciating the sunshine as much as I am. Oh yeah, and I also hope you don't get hit by a bus. (Some people may call this train of thought morbid, but I call it covering all my bases.)
Sincerely, Kristina

*I'm a blogger, so it follows that you're bloggees.

1 comment:

  1. haha, like the pun!
    ...of course this wasn't a pun yet, that whole train thing had yet to occur...don't you love time-travel?!
