Wednesday, October 5, 2011


If you know anything about my life, you know that I tried out for Homecoming Queen (because I get extra credit for one of my classes). Well, I performed yesterday, and here are a few of my reactions:

Wow, those techies are woefully incompetent (can you say, running across the stage while people are performing, and talking very loudly backstage? I can. And those techies did a remarkable job of actually doing those things.)
Also, the mic made it so I sounded way better on the high notes than I do in real life! It's great!
I needed a tiara for my act, and then kept it on after, and I guess I'm just a natural at being a princess or something, because it felt so natural.
It is positively nerve-wracking to go first.

I didn't make it to the semi-finals, but that's perfectly OK with me. I feel like I really did do a pretty good job on the talent, but that I probably lost points on the interview. I said my grandpa's my hero because he's always going and doing stuff, like installing lights. Installing lights? Really? (It sounds like a bad joke. " How many old men does it take to screw in a light bulb?" "My grandpa's so talented he can do it all by himself!") I also forgot the word "scenery" when I was trying to explain why I want to visit Australia. Haha, oops.

However, as it turns out, it's probably a good thing I didn't progress to the semi-finals. Some of my friends did, and they had their interviews this morning. You know what ones of them was asked? "What's the downfall of modern Europe?" Who asks that for a Homecoming Queen interview?! Here's the exchange between another of my friends and the same interviewer:
Interviewer (I): What do you like best about this school?"
Friend (F): The diversity. I was in China this summer, and everyone there assumed I didn't like Obama just because he's black.
I: So why don't you like Obama?
F: Well I don't like his politics.
I: What would you do to fix the economic crisis?

Yep, that's what's been going on in my life in regards to Homecoming. Oh, I also got asked to it, so now I just need to come up with a good way of answering. Preferably involving bacon...We shall see.


  1. Haha, I totally know what you mean about Grandpa installing lights... but it sounds like a bad joke.

    Also, your homecoming answer should have about twelve terrible plays on words in it. Here are some ideas: pig for pick, bacon for begging, rasher for something (I don't even know what. Rash or something? That could work - "I don't want to be rasher anything, but YES!"), and point out that if you have a Jamaican accent, beer can and bacon sound the same (don't know how you'll work that one in, but it's a fun fact).

  2. Here is how you answer: say "yes."
