Monday, October 24, 2011


It seems like a whole bunch of people do that thing where they go vegetarian for a week or month or whatever. Or their whole life, but we're going to ignore them right now. So anyways, I think I'm going to try that eventually, and see if I can make it a week without any meat. Just for kicks and giggles, y'know. But the problem is, every time I decide to do that, and make it two days or something, my mama makes something really delicious, and then I just have to eat it! I like food way too much for my own good.

So anyways, starting sometime soon-ish (ha, that's what I say about everything. I'm such a procrastinator), I really am going to do that. It depends on what we're having for dinner this week, though...

But I'll feel so accomplished if I really can go a week without any meat! And I really don't eat that much of it anyways, so it probably shouldn't be hard. I'll just live off of chips and salsa, which is what I practically do already, so it's all good!

But really, I'll post it on here when I start my week of vegetarian-ism, and then you guys have to hold me to it.


  1. You should be one of those wishy-washy vegetarians who still eat fish.

  2. I totally should be! Well, I guess that depends on if we have fish during my week of vegetarianism
