So as you know, I went to LA last week on a choir trip. I guess I could tell you all about it, but that seems rather time consuming. Instead, I'll tell you about the billboards there!
Case Study Numba 1:
We sang at an LDS church there on Sunday, and one of the people giving a talk was speaking about how she was from Rexburg, and how much easier it was to feel the spirit there than in LA. She kept talking about all the distracting billboards in California, and how awful they were! We were kind of laughing, and thinking they couldn't be that awful. Then on the bus right after this meeting, we pass this billboard, pictured above. Lovely, isn't it?
Case Study Numba 2:
Again, on the bus. We were driving to another performance at another church, and we see this billboard behind a huge tree. What's the point of having it where no one can see it? Then we realized it was a billboard for a cemetery, and we all wondered, what kind of cemetery puts of billboards for itself? We came to the conclusion it was behind a tree so that people driving by would try and read it, but because it was behind a tree it would be especially hard, so the car would swerve and crash and everyone in it would die, giving more business to the cemetery.
Case Study Numba 3:
Remember the cemetery that put up billboards for itself? Yeah, it put up two other ones, and all three of them were within five minutes of each other. It also had a billboard for some random company right in the middle of it, among the graves. Our opinion of this cemetery was getting lower and lower, especially when we saw what one of the billboards had to say. It had a picture of a happy old couple, and all it said was, "[name of the cemetery] makes it possible for everyone." What is that even supposed to mean?! "Don't worry, even if the rest of your life fails, at least you can die!" That was the conclusion we came to.
Basically, California is a land of evil-ness and fornication and weird cemeteries, and everyone should live in Rexburg instead. But still, I had a great time there. It was hecka fun, yo!
I am distracted now. Thanks a lot!
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