Saturday, January 7, 2012

Winter Wonderland

It snowed! I'm so happy! Also, it's weird that I'm feeling a little weirded out that it's snowing. I mean, it's January. That's what it's supposed to do. Yet after waking up this morning and seeing snow outside my window, I still thought, "What? Why is it doing this? This doesn't happen." I guess that's what just having gotten through the driest December on record does to me.

Some people aren't very happy about this new snowfall, but I think they are crazy! Now the world is white and beautiful and magical and wonderful. Yes, it's cold, but news flash! It was before, too. But before it was even more depressing, because it was still cold, and the grass was all dead and yellow, and the inversion was looming over the valley looking disgusting and making my throat all gross, and it was just...dismal. Now it's like the world has a new take on life; a clean slate. A fluffy, white, wonderful, clean slate.

And to those people who don't like the snow, I say, "This is winter! In UTAH! This is what it's supposed to do! Now stop complaining and go build a snowman." Alas, I cannot build a snowman myself, because I'm stuck inside doing homework all day, but at least I can be happy every time I glance out the front window and see how pretty it is.

Oh, and I suppose I might change my mind after it's been snowing for two months, and there are rock hard drifts on all the corners that won't melt, and have been turned black by all the passing cars, but for now I'm pretty dang excited.


  1. I almost kicked the head off a snowman yesterday.

  2. Out of anger? Or because you were practicing your sweet karate skills? Or because you slipped on the ice and fell sideways and nearly kicked the head off a short one, or what?
