Monday, January 30, 2012


Turns out I'd forgotten what general classes are like. Turns out that's a really good thing. General classes are the worst! Unfortunately, they're sort of necessary for that graduation thing, so I bit the bullet and am taking US Gov. Today we were having a class discussion on meritocracies, and whether or not the US is one. Instead, everyone got sidetracked on how not everyone can be a millionaire, which is the American dream, so the US obviously operates on a caste system, quite similar to ancient India. Duh.

They also talked about the 1% for a while, which made me smile. Then Hipster Girl chimed in. Oh my goodness, she is so hipster! She was wearing a romper, with moss green tights, and big ol' combat boots, and had dreds, and hemp bracelets and everything! She also apparently works at a cafe. She's the best! She was also the only one making intelligent comments about how a meritocracy does not mean everyone's a millionaire, it means everyone is rewarded based on their talent. And then she skyrocketed to the top of my list of favorite people ever by saying, "Yeah, but do we really need to label people like that? Labels are just so cliche," and other such things. It was so great. Ah, hipsters.

Another ironic thing about gov is the poster at the front of the class. It's some quote that says to question authority and always think for yourself. The teacher read this aloud to us, and then proceeded to talk at length about how incredibly important it is that we think for ourselves! Really guys, you can't just internalize what other people tell you, you need to come up with your own ideas. Do you have that? Need me to repeat it so you can have it tattooed across your forehead and read it in the mirror every morning?

Also, in case you were wondering, my pants have not shown up yet. I fear they've been lost in the void forever.


  1. Oh I'm sad about your missing pants. And your hipster government friend seems pretty cool. Government is a great class. And we are not a meritocracy.

  2. If I'm not a millionaire (which I'm not), clearly my merits are being underestimated.
