Monday, December 26, 2011


Ahh, Christmas. The gifts, the snow, the people, the egg nog, the music, the waiting up Christmas Eve...It's a pretty magical time of year.

When I was a young lass (imagine me as a grumpy old man reminiscing about the good ol' days) the magic of Christmas used to start in early December, maybe even late November, and lasted up till I finished opening my presents and getting dressed in the new clothes I would inevitably get. I practically peed my pants with excitement and anticipation about what sorts of presents I would get. The magic of Christmas existed simply because it was the Christmas season. I didn't need anything else to be excited about.

But the older I got, the less excitement this season held for me. It's kind of hard to be excited that it's Christmas Eve when you're busy researching Hitler's generals for a huge paper you have to write. So I realized something this year: the magic of Christmas is totally in the people! For me at least. Maybe you get excited just seeing a Christmas tree, or eating a candy cane, but for me, what makes this season so great is that I get to spend it with friends and family. So if I've spent time with you this December, you should feel pretty special, because it means you're magical! You made my Christmas awesome! Thanks all y'all.

Oh, and just because I'm super excited...I GOT A GUITAR! And it's beautiful! And I love it! Any suggestions for songs to learn?


  1. I suggest you come play Rockband with us, and learn all the songs from that.

    Or, learn Stairway to Heaven and Hallelujah.

  2. Ooh, Hallelujah. That is a brilliant suggestion! Grazi

  3. so when you say, "what makes this season so great is that I get to spend it with friends and family" and then continue to say it was great and previously mentioned it was spent researching hitler's generals, does that mean you consider the nazis your friends (or family!)?
    Just sayin'!
    oh, and don't forget Godwin's Law!
