So on Friday my throat started feeling a little iffy, but nothing too bad. By Sunday my voice was a bit scratchy and dry, then bam! Yesterday I woke up and could barely talk. It got better after lots of water and a good hot shower, and then got kind of angry at me again last night. And this morning it's even worse. Nothing is helping. This stupid inversion especially is not helping. If it would just snow already and clear the air, I would get a white Christmas (which I've been dreaming of, y'know...), and it would also make this darn cold go away. But somehow I don't think that's going to happen.
Also, is it a bad idea to go to the dentist when you have a horrible cold? I don't know whether it is or not, but I've had this appointment for forever, so I'm going no matter what. Woohoo. Just what I need to make this day better.
The bright side is, at least I finished up with chorale season before getting sick! Yes, it's true, I have sung my last (Christmas) song as a member of chorale. Over thirty performances in just over two weeks, people! That's a lot of singing! But it was pretty rad.
Anyways, my apologies for the slightly whiny post. I promise the next one will be sufficiently chipper. In the meantime, what are good ways to kick colds?
Christmas break is good. Also sleeping in and staying inside.