Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunshine, Blueberries, and Music

Yesterday was awesome. I loved it. Even though it involved ten million hours of cleaning.

I got my sister hooked on Ingrid Michaelson (aka one of my favorite singers on the whole world.)

I had homemade blueberry waffles for dinner.

I used a rabid vacuum that ran over my toes more times than I can accurately count.

I learned how to clean a bathroom. (You may be saying that I should have learned that long ago, but I didn't. But now I know how, so I'm no longer useless!)

Also, I got a bunch of new music for my iPod. Hooray! I'm pretty sure that I would die without music in my life.

It's OK if you think this is the dumbest post in the history of ever. But I felt like a) I needed to blog something, because it's been a while, and b) like I should share my happiness with everyone out there. Because a lot of the time I ignore the awesome little things like blueberry waffles, even though they make my life a sunnier place. So here's to sunshine, blueberries, and music.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! You're welcome to come practice your bathroom-cleaning (or ANY cleaning) skills at our apartment any time you want. We'll provide cheap pizza or something.
