Monday, August 1, 2011

Harry Potter

I've decided to read the whole Harry Potter series again. And it's filling me with so many memories! As I read the first one, I kept thinking of my very first memory of Harry Potter. I must have been really little, and I was sitting on the floor as all my siblings and parents were talking about this brand new book-Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. They all said it was great. It was on the floor next me, though, and I didn't think it looked all that wonderful. Then I saw the movie in theaters, and decided it actually was amazing, and went home and read the book.

When the 4th book came out, I wasn't allowed to read it. My mom said it was too violent for my young mind, and I had to wait till I was at least...8? 10? 12? One of those. It made me bitter and jaded, especially when as soon as I was done reading it (once I was old enough, of course), my little sister read it right after me. Without having to wait years and years!

The next memory that sticks out in my mind is when the 6th Harry Potter book came out. I was still in primary (holy cow! I was so young!), and I remember talking about it with one of the guys in my class. I hadn't had the chance to read it yet, because it had to trickle down past all my older siblings first. Then this guy told me, "Well, Dumbledore dies." Nooooooo!!! I had to hold on to the hope that he was just making this up to bother me, and that he wasn't actually giving me spoilers. But alas...

When the 5th movie came out, I went to go see it with John. It was the 1st PG-13 movie I ever saw in theaters, because I had just barely turned 13.

Basically, Harry Potter is a part of my childhood! And now all the books are done, all the movies are done, there's nothing else to look forward to. Wow, that's depressing


  1. Well you will always have the memories. My 7th grade teacher bought me the first Harry Potter book as a gift and when I took it home and read it (almost nonstop), I flipped back to the beginning and read it again. Then I started reading to my younger sisters one at a time because I just couldn't get enough of the stories. Bob told me that our dad wouldn't approve of the books because they dealt in witchcraft, so rather than ask him if that was true, I started reading to my sisters in a whisper in secret places. By the time the fifth book came out, my dad figured out I was in love with the series and he read them--with no objections whatsoever. I really should have come clean from the beginning; then I wouldn't have had to read in the hot shed in the backyard.

  2. You know why we got the book in the first place, right? Some crazy lady in our ward took a significant part of a Sunday school explaining why they were so evil, and Dad thought, "I should read these and see if they're as bad as she says!" And he bought one and read it in secret before liking it and giving it to us.

  3. haha, I guess we should thank that crazy lady for teaching false doctrine. It's enriched our lives! Just not quite in the way she meant it to...
