I'm really bored right now. So even though I can't think of anything clever to blog about, I'm going to write a blog anyways, because I need something to alleviate the crushing boredom. If only I had a pet baby elephant, I would never be bored. Have you ever seen those things? They are so ridiculously cute! See those pictures? See how little and fuzzy and just overall adorable it is? I want one. Note to self: ask future husband for a baby elephant.
Speaking of elephants, I'm super excited for our annual Christmas Eve party at my grandparent's house! What does this have to do with elephants, you may ask? Well, I may answer, we have a white elephant every year at this party. And we eat delicious clam chowder and ten million Christmas cookies and the like. It's fantastic.
Speaking of fantastic, I'm super excited for Christmas! Because it is incredibly fantastic. And I've already spoken about it, so I'm not gonna say much more on the subject. And now, just to bring this blog full circle, you know what else is incredibly fantastic besides Christmas? Baby elephants!
ReplyDeletewhat exactly are you agreeing to?
ReplyDeleteDear Jonathan,
ReplyDeleteI've decided I want a baby elephant.
P.S. Kristina, sorry for stealing your idea.